Summer flights available

Easyjet have released their summer schedule today, early birds and all that.

25 degrees again today, why wait till then!

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Olive Oil 2009

2009 was a lot kinder than last year, dry, sunny, warm but very windy. The crop was pretty good but the press demanded a minimum of 1000 kilos for an individual pressing so we picked and pressed with a few neighbours.

In total we had 1114 kgs which yielded 220 litres of your finest Extra Virgin Olive Oil. We started picking on Friday morning and finished with lunch on Sunday and then pressed at 11Am on Monday, on time for the 1st time.

The oil tastes fantastic, maybe the best yet. I’ve seen an ad online where they charge 25 pounds for half a litre of the fresh stuff!

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Saliente Monastery

We went up to Saliente monastery on Monday, it has a cafe which serves great coffee and buns, unfortuanately we can’t confirm this as we went on “All Saints Day” when it is closed! Still it only took an hour due to road works.

We went with our friends Pat and Pete and their dog Sami. Sami and Stig had a bit of excitment when the Dog guard in the car collapsed on them.

SALIENTE MONASTERY: El Santuario de la Virgen del Saliente is perched 1,000m high on an outcrop of the Sierra Estancias mountain range. It was built 300 years ago.

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Trip to the forest

We took a trip into the forest to pick wild mushrooms, been here nearly 6 years and didn’t realise how beautiful it was there.Forest


Of course the fantastic Autumn sunshine helps.


Mountain views

Sea view

Sea view

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Los Velez

We finally made it to Los Velez. The area is about 45 minutes inland and slightly north. There is a motorway or the cross country route. We took the later through Santa Nieva and it really is beautiful, hilly but a lot softer than the coast. The area is mainly used for Pig prodution and used to be quite pongy but we didn’t notice it, i think they’ve modernised a lot.

We stopped at Velez Rubio with its large Church and Velez Blanco which has a Castle, the yanks bought the contents a while ago so it’s empty now. This is also where the Indalo Man paintings were 1st found. We ended up at Maria which is a famous for its Jamon and there are lots of places that you can taste and buy.

We came back on the motorway and very nice day was had by all!

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Cab de Gata

The Cabo de Gata has some fantastic, beautifully clean beaches, ideal for snorkeling. Fairly deserted and large enough not to be crowded, even in the summer.

Continue reading

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This appeared about 6 months ago, it’s on the N340 about 500 metres behind our house. Noone knows why it appeared but i like it. Meant to take a picture ages ago but never had the camera on a fine day.

Look at that sky, it’s genuine, sooo Blue.



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How do people find our web site?

We run a little tool called stat counter which gives us an idea how people find Have they come from one of our paid advertisements or have they searched for “holiday apartment in Vera” or maybe “self catering villa in Almeria”  you get idea.

But no, by far the most common search is “picture of an Orange treee” and nearly all come from the USA, we’re pleased that Americans now know where that juice they have for breakfast comes from.

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Terraza Carmona

Had a great lunch at Terraza Carmona probably the the best restaurant in town, worth a visit for local cuisine professionally served and prepared.




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We’re on Holiday

Another great summer at Finca Arboleda has come to an end, don’t tell the weather though, it’s 30 deg in the shade.

Allthough we’ve cut our prices by 10% from last winter bookings are pretty thin on the ground so we’re having a week away from it all.

We’ve found a great place, been laying by the pool with the MP3 player all morning, looking a bit pinky so we’ve come in for some lunch and a bit of football on the telly, where are we?

Why not take a look  here.

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