Helen and Len

Some of you who have stayed here are aware of the story of the Priors, their  home was demolished by the regional government in a political row 2 years ago. I don’t usually post here about them but i am pleased to say they have at last got some good news.

A note from the AUAN:
After two years of living in their former garage, following the illegal demolition of their home, at last there is a bit of good news for Len and Helen Prior of Vera.
As well as claiming compensation from the council for the loss of their home, the lawyers acting for the couple also applied for “provisional measures” to house them in a property similar to the one they lost. Now the judge in the case has ordered the council to either find them a similar property or pay the rent on one they find for themselves while the case is sorted out.
Len and Helen have indeed found a suitable property and are now waiting for the council to approve the agreement. They are both pensioners and their health has suffered considerably during the stress of the last two years. The demolition of their house was illegal and to date they have received nothing for their loss.
They have NOT won their case, NEITHER have they received any compensation. These matters are still to be resolved.
But we at the AUAN are delighted that they will at least be accommodated somewhere more suitable than the garage in which they have spent their last two anxious years.

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2010 at Finca Arboleda

Like most people we don’t really know what the year will bring, will Arsenal win the prem…. oh that’s a different blog I suppose!

2009 turned out pretty much identical to 2008 in terms of visitors here but there was a noticeable change in nationalities visiting, about 50/50 between Brits and other Europeans, it’s been 90% Brits before.  2010 looks like the trend will continue and probably see even less Brits. This is great but does cause a few problems with the languages, Pirkko and Google normally save the day.

Pirkko has been working for a research company, from home, on a project that requires understanding of Finnish and Swedish as well as answering enquiries for accommodation in French and Spanish. Busy girl!

Spain has turned off its Analogue TV so yesterday we installed a new 32 inch LCD TV with TDT, Spanish freeview, in the Stables, it still has the UK channels as well. Should be great for watching the World Cup…oh no that’s another blog!

(you don’t have to turn it on if you come to avoid TV!)

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Happy New Year

Hi, just a quick new year greeting and news that the Hoopoes have safely left the nest. They had a nice day for it, 27 degs here yesterday!!!

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to those who like that sort of thing. We’re pretty low key here, off to friends for Kedgeree and Cava and then other friends for the full English Turkey and stuffing. Not that low key then really just letting everyone else do the work!

Xmas Stig & Floppy

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Baby Hoopoes cont’d



Tom went back to the Hoopoes and two are still alive, she took this lovely picture. Since then we’ve had very high winds and the container has blown over so the hole in the top is now at the bottom, safer for them hopefully. The mother feeds them through the side opening.

What a start to life, fingers crossed that they survive.

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Not a happy ending…

Our friend Tom found a bird, probably a Hoopoe, which had had her chicks in an old petrol container. December is not the normal time for breeding so we were a bit concerned about them, it has really been like Spring here since October. The next night we had a big thunder storm and the chicks were dead in the morning.

If you know the area they were near Asprodalba, I’ve stolen the following photos from her blog, she won’t mind, if I don’t tell her!

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How to play Mr O’Leary at his own game

The only way to avoid Ryanair credit card charges has been to use an Electron card, it seems that these are to be phased out.

The charges for using a credit or debit card are £5 per person, per flight so return trip to Finca Arboleda for a family of 4 costs £40 in charges!!!

What can we do ?

Prepaid cards seems to be the way to go.  Moneyweek has an article here and Martyn Lewis here.

You could also use them for spending while on holiday, load up at a known exchange rate and no nasty shock when the bill comes in afterwards.

If you have a better idea let me know and we can spread the word.

Remember what O’Leary does today the others will follow.

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We are in the gang of ’94

Top Tip for a Dream Trip

This Winter, Your Holiday Matters launches a new Seal of Approval in a bid to eliminate unpleasant surprises for holiday makers.

Inspired by the growing trend of people choosing to rent out their holiday home, Your Holiday Matters is devoted to identifying holiday rentals and B&Bs backed by “Owners who Care”.

A rigorous accreditation process, supported by ongoing reviews, ensures every owner is genuine, has a proven track record of satisfied guests and is focused on delivering a quality experience from initial booking enquiry until holiday departure.

In order to attain the Seal of Approval, rental owners have shown that they are willing to go that extra mile for the guests: anything from ensuring a same-day response to the initial enquiry through to providing the most exact directions to reach the property. Then, on arrival the holidaymaker can kick back and unwind knowing that the finer details of the holiday have been thoughtfully taken care of. These could be restaurant recommendations, parking permits, a local point of contact, even a bottle of the region’s wine, and all on hand to make the stay feel extra special. It’s those aspects one would expect from a holiday home and much more.

Deb Kleber, Managing Director of Your Holiday Matters said:
“It’s very easy to look on the internet and find a holiday home. The tricky part is ensuring that you have made the right choice. Holidays are hard-earned, and with time away from the workplace so precious, there isn’t room for mistakes and sloppy standards. At Your Holiday Matters we look beyond the aesthetic to ensure that every detail is considered and your only surprises will be pleasant ones.”

So far, 94 properties have been approved, and each one of them wears the badge with pride. More are being added weekly, and the full portfolio of “Owners who Care” can be reviewed at www.YourHolidayMatters.com

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Oh dear Thierry

As a gooner I was amazed at how poor France were last night against an Irish side who deserve to be heading to South Africa. Thierry who do you think you are trying to fool. I want to remember you as a really great player, amongst the best to grace Highbury, not as a cheat.

Still if you are Irish look on the bright side you could do worse than get away and visit Finca Arboleda this summer. I promise not to mention the “F Word”

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25 Euros for a 3 bedroom Villa and a 2 bedroom Apartment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coming soon, with benifets exclusive to Finca Arboleda, a lottery with the chance to win two properties in Vera and Arboleas.

Please contact us for details.

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