We’ve lived here for 9 years and still love it.

Tomorrow we have lived at Finca Arboleda for 9 years. I was lazing by the pool, it’s 24º, eating a freshly picked mandarin and thinking it doesn’t get much better than this. But the only problem is this is our lovely home but it earns it’s existence as  a holiday let and nobody is staying at the moment!

So I got up grabbed the camera and took a few shots to show you what you missing on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning.

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Around Olive picking time we get large flocks of hungry Starlings which are amazing to watch. These pictures were on Tom’s folder where I took the Olive pictures from so I thought I’d share them. Thanks Tom!

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Olive picking 2012

Well we did pick the Olives in November, not a great yield this year 16.6% due to the heavy rain at the end of September which the olives absorbed. As you can see from the pictures the weather wasn’t great and we had to postpone the start once. We pick and press all the olives in 72 hours to ensure quality so once we’ve started we have to go for it. The usual suspects turned up and we had a few new faces which was nice. As always the highlight is when we stop for refreshments.

The journey up to Lubrin showed the full extent of the damage caused by the floods at the end of September, now we all appreciate the ramblas and what they are for. (A rambla is a usually dry riverbed that takes the flood waters when they come which may be every 20 years) Thanks to Tom for the photos.

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2013 already!

A happy new year to all guests past and future.

2012 started with a very dry winter/spring which continued into the hottest, driest summer for 40 years.

As the rest of the world seems to be experiencing freak weather, here this brought on a series of extreme conditions. The mountains above Bedar had a huge forest fire which the village was lucky to escape. The end of September saw the hot weather “break” in spectacular style with a rain storm which brought much flooding and damage locally. We were lucky to escape both events.

Since the September rain we are again enjoying a dry/mild winter, roll on summer!

Apart from the weather, Asprodalba, our neighbours have had a long overdue facelift. The Priors

are still waiting for someone, Vera town hall, to do the right thing. Doctor Who paid the area a visit. Stig had 2 operations on ruptured cruciate ligaments so at least the rabbits have been safe.

We are fit and well and hope you are too!

We look forward to greeting new and old friends this year.

Happy new year to you all

Mick & Pirkko

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Rhino car hire.

We have a deal with Rhino car hire. If you think their prices are competitive

and you are booked to stay at Finca Arboleda we can give you a link that will

save you a further 5%.

Check their prices here.

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Doctor Who has landed

Doctor Who is currently being filmed down the road in Tabernas, scene of the old

Spaghetti westerns and many more, link.

Matt Smith is Doctor Who, what happened to Tom Baker?

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An ode to a stay at Finca Arboleda

Fiona who left here yesterday wrote this ode to her stay, we liked it!


Finca Arboleda In November

I never would have thought it

Expectations rarely high

Hats off to Mick & Pirkko though

And here’s the reason why


Seclusion, comfort, taste and style

It’s rare you must agree

I recommend you stay a while

And when you do, you’ll see


We came here in November

When the Olives start to fall

We helped out with the harvest

Well, just half a shift, that’s all


An invitation to the press

A mountain drive away

Then tasting Oil with bread and cheese

Amazing by the way


So all hail Mick & Pirkko

We’ve loved our Spain debut

I’ve almost finished writing so

Let’s get on with week two


I must just make a reference

To Stig the Dog, it’s true

In a certain kind of light

Looks just like a Kangaroo!


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Olive Oil 2011 now ready.

Well after much fighting with and learning how to make labels we now have our

2011 range ready. More text and pictures are here.


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Olive Oil update

Well we pressed the Olives yesterday. 760 Kg which gave us 194 litres.
I’ll post some pictures later.

It was a glorious warm, dry week, so lucky, again.

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Olive picking in progress

This years harvest is in progress, warm, sunny and 27º.

The 1st 2 days have yielded 609Kg, one day of picking to go and

then off to the press in Lubrin on Friday.

Time for a G&T I believe!

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