Hot spell

Today is a pleasant 30 degs after a couple of weeks of mid 30’s. As you can imagine it’s a bit too warm to do much apart from cleaning on change over days. We’ve got the Olympics to pass a few hours and the Football season starting.

Did you see Dragons Den on Monday with a guy trying to start a business flogging Olive Oil via a club that cost about 250 pounds a year for 12 bottles. You could rent the apartment for a week at Christmas and take home 12 bottles of Oil and still have change from 250 quid!

What is happening outside? Figs galore, I picked 20 kg last Monday, mistake, what do you do with 20 kg of ripe figs, answers on an email to…

The Chickens are currently tucking into the first Pomegranates of the year, they had split as they tend to do at the beginning of the season, no wonder our eggs are so good with the diet they get.

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Web site refreshed

I’ve made a few changes to the web site, mainly cosmetic. If you click on the Spanish or Swedish flags you can see a before and after view. I might get around to updating them one day. Send me a mail through the contact us page if you have any opinion on the changes.

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Spanish gas FREE!

I see Gas prices have gone up by 35% in the uk this week..

Come and stay in the Apartment from 30th Aug for a week and our gas will be included and it gets better, Ryanair have “free” flights, you pay the taxes, from Stansted  to Almeria.

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Unexpected availability

We now have a week available in the Orange Grove Apartment from 30th August.

1st come, 1st served, who’s going to be lucky?

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Using an ATM in Spain, just say NO.

People who have stayed here will know how much I bang on about using a Nationwide cash card to withdraw money while abroad. No charges and a great exchange rate, it’s highly rated by Martin Lewis Moneysavingexpert as well.

Now beware.

When you use it, or any card, in Spain you will receive a confusing message telling you that you can see the cost of your withdrawl in GBP if you press yes, this will almost certainly cost you more money due to an inferior exchange rate.

If you want the best rate, remember, just say NO.

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High speed train

Since before we moved here there have been plans for a high speed rail link between Murcia and Almeria. The plan is to have one station on this route. Last year the Spanish Prime Minister bought a holiday apartment on Vera Playa. The station is going to be in Vera! Plans for the exact location seem to change every month. The train, as long as it doesn’t pass too close, should be good for the area. In general the AVE is a fantastic railway system, a link between Madrid and Barcelona has just opened and the flight route has lost 40% of it’s traffic already. If the train is more than 5 minutes late everyone gets a full refund.

The area had a steam railway system, GSSR, built by the English in the 1880’s and originally intended to link Murcia and Granada. Problems with the terrain and money meant the railway only connected Baza, Aguillas and Lorca. The railway was seized by the Spanish during the Civil War and is now mainly closed except for parts between Aguillas and Lorca.

Visit this link if you are interested in some of the history of this area.

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Local Celebs

Ben and Margaret, staying here at the moment, have told me that the old bowling greens in the Cabrera mountains were started by David Bryant, they are now disused. I’m trying to find out more about them and will go and see them. Memories of days before Sky tv when a sport fix was watching Bowls, Darts and Snooker.

What other celeb have lived here? Ian Botham has a place in Desert Springs and can often be spotted in Vera where his daughter has a bar. Gordon Goody, the great train robber ran a bar in Mojacar. Tony Christie lives here when not touring. Clive “Robin” Sarstedt plays and lives locally, there must be loads more.

Finca Arboleda is still waiting for it’s first celeb visitor, as far as I know.

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Fireworks in the Campo

My daughter Gemma arrived on holiday last night and our Spanish neighbours greeted her with a firework display. The Spanish never need much of an excuse to party and generally make a noise but this was a suprise.

Oh wait a minute, what’s that…. apparently a football match was on!

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Have you heard the one about The Nuns, The Orphanage and The Brochure?

Vera has an Orphanage with 15 kids run by the Nuns. They need funds for the extras that the kids need, such as decent clothes etc.  A fund raising event is being held next Sunday with a fashion show, raffle and auction at Desert Springs Golf course.

We have donated a week in the apartment and it will be the star  lot in the auction! hence we needed to produce a brochure so that people can see what a wonderful place they are bidding for. Fingers crossed that it makes some money for a good cause.

I may post the brochure on-line, we will have to see how big the file is.

ps.  just thought of another reason I’ve been busy, EURO 2008 great fun without boring England!

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Wot No Blog

There has been a bit of concern from places as far away as the the Isle of Wight about the lack of blog recently, simple answer is we’ve been busy getting things done before the summer arrives, 32 degrees yesterday!

We had friends here from Sweden for 5 days, eventually got the tax sorted, patio for the villa is finished complete with sunbeds. Today we finished fitting a new very smart glass shower screen in the Stables and we are in the middle of refurbishing our own bathroom, phew!

We have also been placing a few new ads on-line including one with Saga who have just launched a new site with software so bad I would be ashamed to own up to it!

Lastly we have produced a brochure for Finca Arboleda, why ? well that’s another blog!

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