The Stables are now fully booked for the summer but there are still a few weeks available in the apartment. 14 Aug – 2 Sept looks like a perfect break for a couple.
Best news though is that the Plasma will be staying after yesterdays results!
The Stables are now fully booked for the summer but there are still a few weeks available in the apartment. 14 Aug – 2 Sept looks like a perfect break for a couple.
Best news though is that the Plasma will be staying after yesterdays results!
16 July / 24 July in the Stables one week £350 what are you waiting for?
After the no show of the Football team my mate John told me the Cricket team are unbeatable. I watched them stutter yesterday and wondered if Fabio had given the team talk. All we need now is for the English hater to win Wimbledon and the 42 inch Plasma could be looking for a new home.
I doubt many of you listen to Talk Sport. I think it’s aimed at White Van drivers and it’s so over the top that it makes me chuckle. The highlights are phone-ins and quiz time.
This week they were playing “Know the score” not maths, this is talk sport remember but a quiz about theme music from films.
Play music….the contestant has no idea “Can you give me a clue”
Presenter “We’re in a continent watching the world cup, when it’s over we will leave for for home, we will be..?”
Contestant “Zulu?”
Having spent the day listening to Talk Spite, 5 Live, Sky Sports News and watching the 1st 2 games I was convinced that Barry is the saviour of English football, the like of which we haven’t seen since’66.
Algeria needn’t bother to even turn up, 4-0 minimum the experts tell me. I’m already convinced England only have 3 decent players, Rooney and the Cole brothers, but I’ll go with the flow.
My God! that was the worst 45 minutes ever, birthday boy will sort it out at half time we’re told but no, more of the same. We need inspiration from the bench and what do we get, Wright-Phillips for Lennon.
We’ve had estate agents, lawyers, city fat cats and bankers but overpaid footballers rank top of the pile, I give up…..what times the Slovenia game?
Been following a thread on a forum about checked in bag allowance with Easyjet.
To check in a bag is £9 for up to 20kg. But, you can pool luggage still, so 2 people can have up to 32 kg in ONE BAG, still for £9. Plus of course hand baggage allowance.
Don’t try it with Ryanair!
(32 kg is the maximum allowed in one bag for H&S)
In desperation and at my wits end due to that senseless noise during the Italy – Paraguay game last night I reached for the red button and there it was option 1 “commentaries” just scroll to the right and select “no commentary”
Jonathan Pearce and Mick McCarthey silenced.
The games have been a bit dull but I’m looking forward to see who I can silence next.
Listening to Radio 5 and silencing Graham Taylor might be a bit much but he deserves it. I listened to him describe how a game had become “stretchy” this apparently is when the game is stretched and he followed this up with “what we call getting round the backside” I’ll leave you to figure that one.
I might go back to Springwatch tonight.
I didn’t think we would beat the US and wouldn’t have been surprised if we had lost so a point is OK. Heskey did well but you just knew he wouldn’t score when he got his chance.
I’m old enough to remember when West Ham players won us the world cup, bet their fans are keeping a low profile today.
Can’t wait for Algeria v Slovenia, well I can actually…
Left home to take Mum up to Bedar for lunch but Miramar, great Lamb, is closed on Thursday, no problem the view and drive are always worth doing. Where now? we thought of Bar La Montaña, they have jam sessions on Sundays, never been, so we could try it out. I’m afraid it looked a bit scruffy so we pressed on, great scenery, so still no problem. Where now? El Marchal, haven’t been there for years. CLOSED!
Still fun roads with a commentary from the back: “Reminds me of Mallorca or maybe Austria Oh look it could be the Lake District over there, without the lakes of course.” By now we were at Lubrin where we take our Olives to be pressed and worth a visit. Heading back towards Vera we remembered Bar Lopez at Rambla Aljibe-Lubrin, Perfect! a great Menu del Dia 11 euros with wine, friendly owner and staff, go and try it.
Back in the car and an equally picturesque journey home through the Mountains all in a big circle, we will do it again and so should you.
The Driver wasn’t drinking!
Wow! they said it wouldn’t happen but the Euro/£ rate is back to 1.20 or should that be 83p I never know.
More of a reflection on the weakness of the Euro I know but your £ now buys more Tapas, Vino and Cerveza, Hic, I’ll drink to that.