Kitchen fund blown again!

Regular visitors normally come up to our house for eggs, jam, DVD, maps etc. and conversation gets around to how our own kitchen refurb is going. Well the latest news is that following new beds and sofas in the Stables the fund has been used on the accommodation again.

Leather recliners in the apartment and they are fantastic.

I blame ex-guests who introduced us to Koala.

Leather recliners

Leather recliners

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Back from the UK

We’ve just been back to England for a long weekend mainly to celebrate Florrie’s, my Mum, 90th Birthday. What a great time we had, all the family had worked so hard preparing fantastic food.

We stayed in a lovely B&B which has an award winning Breakfast and it’s worth staying there for this alone. The Godalming area has loads to offer, beautiful countryside, Guildford for shopping and only 45 minutes from London on the train.

Did I forget to mention that it’s run by my Brother and his wife?

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Romance in the air.

Russ and Sharlene  from New Zealand via Melbourne are staying here as part of their European adventure. Russ had planned to propose to Sharlene in Paris but changed his mind when he saw our pool and decided that this was the perfect place.

Once they told us the news we had no hesitation in breaking out the 1.69 euro bottle of Cava that we had in the fridge for a special occasion!

Having had newly weds stay a few weeks ago, you can feel the romance in the air!

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50P flights my axxx!

For a lesson on how not to book a cheap flight look here, the language does ripen as the frustration grows!

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Prices and terms for 2011

We have set our prices for 2011 using Ryanair philosophy. I don’t mean we charge extra for beds, use of TV etc. although it’s not a bad idea!

What we have done is set lower or the same price as last year and then when the weeks start to book we will possibly raise prices for the busy weeks.

Another change is..

“Finca Arboleda is perfect for a quiet relaxing break.To help us achieve this for all guests we do not accept children in the Villa or Apartment during the peak summer months.”

We hope this will prove popular with guests.

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A new trend?

We have a lovely Belgian family staying and they have brought lots of delights from their country for us to try.

Beer, of course, Chocolate, Cheese, Biscuits, and Jams.

Must check where the next guests are coming from!

Belgian goodies

Belgian goodies

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Web site a work of fiction?

Came across the website “I write like” the idea being you paste some text you’ve written and it “Checks which famous writer you write like with this statistical analysis tool, which analyzes your word choice and writing style and compares them with those of the famous writers.”

So I pasted the 1st 2 paragraphs of our home page and it came back with H.P.Lovecraft, Wikipedia tells me…

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction, especially the sub-genre known as weird fiction….oh err!

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Party night

The locals had a great night celebrating winning the World Cup. See here.

Filmed on the roundabout by the Wok in Vera.

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World Cup Winners

I expect most people saw it, it was like watching any team managed by Sam Alardyce kick Arsenal around the pitch. Anyway the good guys won and Spain partied!

Vera at Midnight

Vera at Midnight

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Villa makeover.

The Villa is now the proud owner of 2 new leather sofas, very comfortable and a new king size bed. It’s so good we may have trouble getting people to leave!

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