Don’t forget the Carrots

We have a new neighbour, Ursula, a retired working Donkey. She’s a real cutie and gives us a greeting when we open the gates in the morning. Just loves her Carrots!


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Andrew’s last night

Andrew and Mick

I struggled into a shirt not seen since Arsenal last won a trophy, for a picture with my mate Andrew.

He had been here for the last 16 nights with his parents, his 2nd and their 3rd visit. We watched the Carling cup final together where we were both pleased to see Spurs lose.  It will be quiet now without Andrew popping up to feed the Hens and enquiring if the DVD library is open.

Andrew enjoyed his stay which was warm and dry except for one day, Pirkko’s birthday, and certainly warmer than it will be when he gets back to Shropshire.

I’d better not tell him that his hero, Cristiano Ronaldo, might be coming to stay this summer…. (it’s a joke Andrew!)

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Cheap flights still available

Loads of cheap flights are still available between now and May and we also have dates available then, well we would, otherwise I wouldn’t mention it!

Have you tried the skyscanner tool yet? You can search for all flights from all airports a whole month at a time, give it a go!

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Owners Direct

Owners Direct was our original place to advertise, we started there in 2004.

After 3 great years last year did not generate one booking so it is with regret we are leaving them so if you booked a holiday with us through them in the past we are still out there just not with OD.

I think they are a victim of their own success and greed, they have so many properties now that some get lost and Vera now has 5 sections to search through.

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Been a long time

a long lonely, lonely time….

What no blog again, it all started with internet problems..again, now seems to be sorted with a new phone line. Then Rob the Dutch guy who stayed last month did such a great job with his blog about staying here, I got lazy!

Will try to do better, maybe try twitter?

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Blogging about Finca Arboleda

After the wettest period since we moved here 5 years ago we finally seem to have some stable sunny weather back. This has co-incided with the arrival of Rob and Lia from Holland. They are here for a month and are perfect guests.

Rob and Lia are retired and spend a lot of time travelling. Rob writes a blog, a bit more actively than me! and you can read about their time here and all their other travels here it’s in Dutch but has a google translation gadget that lets you choose your language if Dutch is not your strong point.

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Flight search

Just added a great tool, from Skyscanner, to help with booking flights, see it here.

Use it if you’re coming here or indeed flying anywhere.

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A little peace of mind when booking flights

While we’re thinking about money have a read about section 75

Basically it is probably worth spending a couple of pounds extra and using a credit card rather than a debit card to book your flights, car hire etc.

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Best ways to get those holiday Euros

The fall in Sterling has made it even more important that you shop around to get the best exchange rate. Luckily for you Martin Lewis has done all the work here. He plumps for the Abbey credit, I would still go with Nationwide but both are better than Lloyds, NatWest etc.

Have a read and you could save yourself a fortune, nobody likes giving banks money, the Government has given them enough already.

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It’s got to be Tuesday

Ryanair have flights from Stansted to Almeria in September and October on Tuesday’s for less than £2 each way which makes about £40 return including taxes.

Come and enjoy some late sunshine, you know it’ll be raining in the UK!

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